Levisticum officinale, Lovage Seeds

Vendor: Green Huiz
Product Code: LOFS1



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Levisticum officinale



roots (Levistici radix); herb (Levistici herba), leaves (Levistici folium)

most important active substances

volatile oil in the herb 0,24 %, in the root 0,1 - 1,0 %; coumarin, pinens, phellandrens, polyness, alkyl phtalides (aroma-bearers), ligustilids

most important usages

inflammation of the urinary tract and as a prophylaxis for kidney gravel, dyspeptic complaints such as indigestion, heartburn, feelings of fullness, flatulence; spice, ingredient in spirits and liquor production

Recommendations for cultivation

Weight per thousand seed grains: 3,0 - 4,0 g

Seed demand for drilling: april or august 4 - 6 kg/ha

Demand for plantation: spring or autumn 4 - 6 plants/m²

Distance between the rows: 50 cm

harvest: herb and leafs if it is high enough, root in the second year in autumn