Microgreen Basics | What is it?

Introduction to organic seeds
Microgreens are vegetable sprouts eaten at the 2-3 leaf stage. It began to be used at the end of the last century in one of the restaurants in California to decorate ready-made meals.Â
The chef, unknown to us, probably did not even imagine how successful, and most importantly, useful, his know-how would be. Microgreens decorate dishes and saturate the human body with vitamins, replenish energy reserves, and cleanse from harmful toxins. A few years later, the idea was picked up in Europe. The fashion trend gave impetus to the development of a new branch of agricultural technology - microgreens cultivation. However, this process turned out to be so simple and effective that a specialist and an ordinary person without any agricultural skills can easily cope with it.
4 Interesting facts about microgreens
Microgreens differ from the so-called germinated seeds in that they still need to be grown. The purpose of growing microgreen is the tender green part of the plant and not just the swollen seeds with a sprouted white root. It differs from ordinary greens in bunches of microgreens in that not adult leaves, but only cotyledonous and very young, delicate leaves, are eaten.
• Unique properties of homemade microgreens from seeds
Young sprouts contain the maximum nutrients that the plant is capable of. In the global trends of healthy nutrition, microgreens are at the top of the list of the most delicious and healthy natural products.
• Environmentally friendly cultivation technology
In this phase of plant development, the energy of growth seems to absorb two forces - the accumulated potential for seed germination and the "power of light", i.e., the first days of photosynthesis. At this stage, the seeds can grow without land. Water is enough.
• Useful substances from microgreen are easily absorbed
Even children and the elderly can eat such greens without fear. For example, not everyone tolerates peas or radishes well, and microgreens from seeds will only be beneficial.
• Microgreen seeds are readily available, cheap, and easy to grow
Greens are added to salads, hamburgers, cereals and a plenty of vegetable dishes.
Where microgreens come from?
In theory, any vegetables, edible herbs, grains, or legumes can be used to produce microgreens. Stores offer a variety of seed options. Your task is to experiment and find what you like the most. We draw your attention to the fact that you should not take ordinary seeds for germination on microgreens. As a rule, they all undergo pre-sowing preparation and are treated with special compounds.
Microgreen seeds are environmentally friendly and do not contain any additives. The most popular among microgreens lovers are amaranth, basil, rutabagas, peas, daikon, cereals, different types of cabbage (broccoli, kohlrabi, red cabbage), cilantro, coriander, watercress, and other types of salads, sunflower, radish, arugula, beets, chives.
Is it difficult to grow microgreen?
Believe me, it is not difficult. There are two options for sowing - with and without soil. First, pick up trays about 7 cm deep. If you use soil, fill about half of the tray with it, moisten and level well.Â
A variety of soil mixtures, sawdust, coconut fiber, and even a hydrogel can be used as a soil. Sow seeds very densely. Stable and strong seedlings will look more attractive and also support each other as they grow. Cover the seeds with soil gently. The container must be covered and left in a bright, warm place until shoots appear. As soon as the sprouts hatch, remove the film or cover. Germination rate depends on the culture and ranges, on average, from one week to two. The soil should not dry out. Moisten the planting regularly with a spray bottle. If there is no soil, use cheesecloth, a thin cotton cloth or cotton pads folded several times. At the stage of formation of the second true leaf, the greenery rises to 4 - 5 cm, sunflowers and peas can grow up to 10 cm. Carefully cut it with scissors almost level with the ground. Your microgreen is ready to eat!
5 essential microgreens and their beneficial properties
Thin shoots of gentle green color. It is what this microgreen looks like. Alfalfa is usually used as a forage crop in agriculture when grown up. But due to its medicinal properties, plenty of minerals and vitamins, alfalfa microgreens rightfully took one of the leading places among microgreens that are grown today.

Why is it so good? It lowers the cholesterol level in the blood, which reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus, improves vision, promotes weight loss, removes toxins and toxins from the body, and strengthens the nervous system. Probably enough to love this wonderful plant and include it in your diet.
Few people do not like the taste of young green peas—so milky sweet, with a delicate aroma. But unfortunately, the period when you can enjoy it is not long. Peas quickly become tough and require heat treatment for consumption. But there is a way out! Green peas microgreen have a sweetish taste, crunchy structure, and fresh aroma of young peas.
In addition to the joy of taste (especially in winter), microgreen peas will strengthen your body, improve digestion, and give your skin freshness and youth.
Here we mean wheat sprouts, not green sprouts.
Fresh juices are made from wheat seedlings to strengthen the immune system. With its help, the liver is well cleansed, the tone of the whole organism increases. This drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
It has been scientifically established that red cabbage has the largest combination of vitamin C out of 25 types of greens studied. Moreover, it contains 40 times more vitamin C than an adult plant.
So, for those who want to strengthen their immunity, we recommend including this microgreen in their diet. Any dish decorated with these reddish sprouts will look more appetizing and take on a subtle shade of freshness.
Mung beans have been eaten in Asian countries for more than 3000 years, and they have known about its medicinal properties for a long time.
If you start listing all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids available in these beans and describe the healing properties, you will get a separate article. Therefore, in a nutshell, let's say this: mung bean has a charitable effect on the digestive system since seedlings are rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility.
It cleanses the body by working as a detox. Mung bean sprouts also have antioxidant properties, which give them the right to fight tumor development. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
There are warnings when using any food. It also applies to microgreen and seedlings. And here it is more likely not about some dangers of microgreens, but the extent of their use.
They are recommended to be used with caution for people with gastrointestinal problems. However, this applies to any fiber, since excessive enthusiasm can backfire.
Another feature of sprouted grains is that the enzymes in them can slow down the digestion process. Therefore, it is recommended to grind grain sprouts with a blender and then add them to smoothies, fresh juices, salads, and soups.
Microgreens are a versatile and powerful vegetagle sprouts to boost your health and improve the good look of your dishes.
You can access our webshop here and find lots of options to cultivate them at home!